Knowledge Staking via Discussion

Collecting Opinions on Proposed Issues (Creating AI Spokespersons Trained on Collected Opinions)

If the total tokens voted on a submitted proposal exceed a certain amount, the proposal is selected, and people can submit their opinions on the chosen proposal. People enter their opinions by interacting with pro/con chatbots regarding the proposed issue. The entered opinions are used to train an AI spokesperson that represents these opinions. Participants earn tokens proportional to the quality of the opinions they submit. Opinions from participants are scored, and lower scores receive fewer tokens. A mechanism exists to encourage competition between opinions on both sides. The number of participants in favor/against and the number of words each AI spokesperson has learned are displayed.

Reasons for people to enter their opinions:

  • To input their opinions and reasoning on the issue, allowing them to advocate through the spokesperson.

  • To persuade others with their opinions.

  • To receive tokens.

Tokens are needed to converse with the created spokesperson. Creating AI Spokespersons Trained on Collected Opinions AI spokespersons (Chatbots) for and against the issue are created by synthesizing the opinions collected during a set period. The created chatbots are categorized and stored in the AI spokesperson session. No further training is done, and they are stored as NFTs. Additional tokens are awarded to the person who submitted and got the proposal accepted, based on participation and the data entered. Participants who provided opinions own a stake in the created AI spokesperson, proportional to the quality and quantity of their contributions.

Last updated