Topic Submission

People voluntarily consume tokens to submit new topics.

Reasons for submitting proposals When curious about societal, personal, or technical issues, people submit proposals to hear the opinions of the public. At the same time, when people want to see only rational and logical opinions related to the proposal while excluding irrelevant opinions.

When the proposal submitted receives a certain amount of tokens through voting, the submitter receives tokens as a reward.

Exercise of voting rights for proposals submitted by people

Reasons for voting on proposals

Contributing to the selection of proposals by voting on submitted ones. People voluntarily consume tokens to vote on submitted proposals. Reasons for voting on proposals When curious about societal, personal, or technical issues. The more tokens spent on voting, the more rewards one can receive if the proposal is accepted and participation is high. Receiving a small amount of tokens when a proposal is accepted and additional tokens depending on the participation level later. Gaining tokens proportional to the tokens voted if the proposal receives a certain amount of tokens and is accepted. Voting on proposals to earn tokens, as a portion of the fees (in tokens) for using the AI podcaster created from the proposal is distributed according to the amount of tokens invested in voting. Preventing those with many tokens from repeatedly submitting and getting proposals accepted (to prevent inflation). There's no need to submit the same proposal if there's already one receiving some votes, as one would vote on the submitted proposal instead of spending tokens to submit the same.

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